Michele R Smith
I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor which means that I am trained to help people talk through their problems. My work combines the powerful new fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind-Body Nutrition. This combined approach effectively addresses weight concerns, body-image challenges, overeating, binge eating, and a host of other nutrition related health concerns like fatigue, digestion, mood, and immunity.
For the last two decades, I’ve been working with people of all ages helping them manage difficult emotions and experiences in order to reach their fullest potential. I received my training in Counseling Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University and Carnegie Mellon University. I am a National Board Certified Counselor, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, and Professional Member of the American Counseling Association.
My Services:
I offer Individual Counseling sessions to adults and teens, in two different settings based your needs and preferences.
In-Office Counseling: Come to a private office with comfy couches and chairs for sitting and talking.
Walk & Talk Counseling: Prefer outside? Let’s meet at either Tamaques, Mindowaskin, or Nomahegan Park to “walk & talk” at your own pace, in the fresh air, side-by-side during the entire counseling session. (Please note that our very first session together must be conducted at the In-Office setting.)
Exploratory Phone Calls are Complimentary: I would love to answer any and all questions to put your mind at ease about the nature of my services and its appropriateness for your unique circumstances. Call (908) 217-5544 or email at MicheleRSmith28@gmail.com